Generalist models, which are capable of performing diverse multi-modal tasks in a task-agnostic way within a single model, have been explored recently. Being, hopefully, an alternative to approaching general-purpose AI, existing generalist models are still at an early stage, where modality and task coverage is limited. To empower multi-modal task-scaling and speed up this line of research, we release a generalist model learning system, OFASys, built on top of a declarative task interface named multi-modal instruction. At the core of OFASys is the idea of decoupling multi-modal task representations from the underlying model implementations. In OFASys, a task involving multiple modalities can be defined declaratively even with just a single line of code. The system automatically generates task plans from such instructions for training and inference. It also facilitates multi-task training for diverse multi-modal workloads. As a starting point, we provide presets of 7 different modalities and 23 highly-diverse example tasks in OFASys, with which we also develop a first-in-kind, single model, OFA+, that can handle text, image, speech, video, and motion data. The single OFA+ model achieves 95% performance in average with only 16% parameters of 15 task-finetuned models, showcasing the performance reliability of multi-modal task-scaling provided by OFASys. Available at
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Multi-modal image-text models such as CLIP and LiT have demonstrated impressive performance on image classification benchmarks and their zero-shot generalization ability is particularly exciting. While the top-5 zero-shot accuracies of these models are very high, the top-1 accuracies are much lower (over 25% gap in some cases). We investigate the reasons for this performance gap and find that many of the failure cases are caused by ambiguity in the text prompts. First, we develop a simple and efficient zero-shot post-hoc method to identify images whose top-1 prediction is likely to be incorrect, by measuring consistency of the predictions w.r.t. multiple prompts and image transformations. We show that our procedure better predicts mistakes, outperforming the popular max logit baseline on selective prediction tasks. Next, we propose a simple and efficient way to improve accuracy on such uncertain images by making use of the WordNet hierarchy; specifically we augment the original class by incorporating its parent and children from the semantic label hierarchy, and plug the augmentation into text promts. We conduct experiments on both CLIP and LiT models with five different ImageNet-based datasets. For CLIP, our method improves the top-1 accuracy by 17.13% on the uncertain subset and 3.6% on the entire ImageNet validation set. We also show that our method improves across ImageNet shifted datasets and other model architectures such as LiT. Our proposed method is hyperparameter-free, requires no additional model training and can be easily scaled to other large multi-modal architectures.
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Fairness has become a trending topic in natural language processing (NLP), which addresses biases targeting certain social groups such as genders and religions. However, regional bias in language models (LMs), a long-standing global discrimination problem, still remains unexplored. This paper bridges the gap by analysing the regional bias learned by the pre-trained language models that are broadly used in NLP tasks. In addition to verifying the existence of regional bias in LMs, we find that the biases on regional groups can be strongly influenced by the geographical clustering of the groups. We accordingly propose a HiErarchical Regional Bias evaluation method (HERB) utilising the information from the sub-region clusters to quantify the bias in pre-trained LMs. Experiments show that our hierarchical metric can effectively evaluate the regional bias with respect to comprehensive topics and measure the potential regional bias that can be propagated to downstream tasks. Our codes are available at
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在深度感知的固有歧义的范围内,现代相机的3D对象检测方法属于性能瓶颈。从直觉上讲,利用时间多视角立体声(MVS)技术是解决这种歧义的自然知识。但是,在适用于3D对象检测场景时,MV的传统尝试在两个方面存在缺陷:1)所有观点之间的亲和力测量遭受昂贵的计算成本; 2)很难处理经常移动物体的室外场景。为此,我们引入了一种有效的时间立体声方法,以动态选择匹配候选者的尺度,从而显着减少计算开销。更进一步,我们设计了一种迭代算法,以更新更有价值的候选人,使其适应移动候选人。我们将我们提出的方法实例化,以进行多视图3D检测器,即Bevstereo。 Bevstereo在Nuscenes数据集的仅相机轨道上实现了新的最先进的性能(即52.5%地图和61.0%NDS)。同时,广泛的实验反映了我们的方法比当代MVS方法更好地处理复杂的室外场景。代码已在 astection/bevstereo上发布。
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最近,已经开发了许多自动白细胞(WBC)或白细胞分类技术。但是,所有这些方法仅利用单个模态显微图像,即基于血液涂片或荧光,因此缺少从多模式图像中学习更好的潜力。在这项工作中,我们基于WBC分类任务的第一个多模式WBC数据集开发了有效的多模式体系结构。具体而言,我们提出的想法是通过两个步骤开发的 - 1)首先,我们仅在单个网络中学习模式特定的独立子网; 2)我们通过从高复杂性独立教师网络中提取知识来进一步增强独立子网的学习能力。因此,我们提出的框架可以实现高性能,同时保持多模式数据集的复杂性较低。我们的独特贡献是两倍-1)我们提出了用于WBC分类的同类多模式WBC数据集的第一个; 2)我们开发了高性能的多模式体系结构,同时也有效且复杂性低。
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在本文中,我们介绍了OpenMedia,这是一个开源工具箱库,其中包含在异质人工智能(AI)计算平台下用于医学图像分析的丰富深度学习方法。各种医学图像分析方法,包括2D $/$ 3D医疗图像分类,细分,本地化和检测,已与Pytorch和$/$或Mindspore实现在异质NVIDIA和HUAWEI ASCEND ASCEND Computing系统下包含在工具箱中。据我们所知,OpenMedia是第一个提供Pytorch和Mindsp的开源算法库
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本文解决了对预先训练的深神经网络进行排名并筛选最下游任务的重要问题。这是具有挑战性的,因为每个任务的基本模型排名只能通过微调目标数据集中的预训练模型来生成,该模型是蛮力且计算昂贵的。最近的高级方法提出了几个轻巧的可转移性指标来预测微调结果。但是,这些方法仅捕获静态表示,但忽略了微调动态。为此,本文提出了一个新的可传递性度量,称为\ textbf {s} elf-challenging \ textbf {f} isher \ textbf {d} is Criminant \ textbf {a} nalisy(\ textbf {\ textbf {sfda})现有作品没有的有吸引力的好处。首先,SFDA可以将静态特征嵌入渔民空间中,并完善它们,以在类之间更好地分离性。其次,SFDA使用一种自我挑战的机制来鼓励不同的预训练模型来区分硬性示例。第三,SFDA可以轻松地为模型集合选择多个预训练的模型。 $ 33 $预培训的$ 11 $下游任务的$ 33 $预培训模型的广泛实验表明,在测量预训练模型的可传递性时,SFDA具有高效,有效和健壮。例如,与最先进的方法NLEEP相比,SFDA平均显示了59.1美元的增益,同时带来了$ 22.5 $ x的墙壁速度速度。该代码将在\ url {}上提供。
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